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Categories of Project

The QEF funds a wide range of projects that promote quality education in schools. Funding is mainly directed, but not restricted, to the following categories of projects -

( A ) Projects for Promoting Effective Learning

This category of projects includes innovative projects or pilot studies to enhance the quality of effective learning in schools. Examples are subject-based curriculum development, reading proficiency, learning and thinking skills, project learning, curriculum integration, curriculum of special education and other effective learning programmes.

( B ) Projects for Promoting All-round Education

Projects of this category aim at promoting the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic development of students. They may take the form of a wide range of informal and non-formal learning activities. Examples are study trips, music, sports, arts and cultural activities other than music and sports, academic extra-curricular activities, personal growth and guidance programmes.

( C ) Projects for Implementing School-based Management

Projects of this category enable schools to implement school-based management in the spirit of the recommendations of the Education Commission Report No. 7. Related projects include home-school cooperation, staff development, school improvement projects that help enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning, and different models or programmes of school-based governance.

( D ) Research Projects for Exploring Education Issues

These research projects could be undertaken by schools, with the assistance of education bodies or academics to address specific issues and problems related to quality school education. Examples are setting up of school quality circles, development of performance indicators, researches on effective school management and other school-based action researches.

( E ) Projects for Application of Information Technology

Projects of this category aim at encouraging schools to extensively apply information technology in teaching and learning so as to enhance learning effectiveness. They include computer-assisted teaching and learning, computer networking, software development and applications of information technology in areas other than class teaching.

The QEF may also be used to fund schemes that award excellence in the performance of schools and in teaching, and other projects specified in the ECR7.